North Bountiful


Diamond Level: High Pressure





High Pressure Beds: These beds will tan you 8-10 x faster than our V.I.P. equipment. You can achieve a deep, dark, golden tan in  just 3 to 6 sessions that only require 2-4 monthly visits to maintain that golden tan. High Pressure Beds have much less UVB rays (burning potential) than any other tanning bed on the market today. These beds are a 12 min. exposure time, and are the largest, most comfortable tanning units.

These beds are the largest, most comfortable, and the most feature-packed of all equipment and represent what makes our salon one of the best in the area. For those customers who want the best that money can buy in the least amount of time, look no further.




Platinum Level:


VHR – This 160 Watt (Very High Refelector) RUVA system delivers amazing results in 12 minutes or less. Tanning results are achieved 3-4 times faster than our V.I.P. beds and as little as 1-2 x a week is all thatis needed to maintain your tanning results. This equipment also features optional High Pressure face tanners (for that added glow to the face), contoured acrylics and built in air conditioning for your complete comfort.




Gold Level:

Ultra RUVA equipment is a nice first upgrade above our V.I.P. beds. These beds will allow you to develop a tan in 2-3 weeks with 2-3 weekly visits for tan maintenance. Results are achieved approximately 30-50% faster than with our V.I.P. equipment. These beds featuring 1/2 160W Reflector Lamps in the canopy and 1/2 100W Reflector Lamps in the bench are a definite improvement over the V.I.P. level but are still a far step away from our V.H.R. or High Pressure Systems. Great for those on a budget who want a little more out of their sessions.



Platinum Stand Up:

sun up II

Sun Up II Stand Up.  This 12 min. system is the same as our Lay down VHR’s but with the added benefits that a Stand Up has to offer.

Benefits include all an over even tan with added color to the face and shoulders with the 2 – 500watt facial/shoulder tanners.Our Stand up also features FM/AM, CD Player



Leg Tanner

Leg Tanner: The Leg Tanner by Classic Legs was created to address the needs of customers who want to even the tanning of their legs to match the color of their mid section and face. It is a fact that tanning beds concentrate the majority of their light energy towards the middle of the tanning area. Because of this, it is nearly impossible for customers’ legs to “catch up” with the tan on their more easily tanned faces and mid section. Additionally, much of the pigment that makes up a skin tan is lost after shaving.


  • Patented W.A.L.T.S. (Wrap Around Leg Tanner System) which tans between the legs as well as around the outside.
  • Comfortable contoured acrylics.
  • 12 minute tanning sessions.
  • Tans around entire leg.


Silver Level:


This is our entry level equipment and requires 10-12 sessions to achieve your base tan with 3-4 weekly visits to maintain your tan. Good for those who have the time to come more often and/or are on a limited budget. These beds usually have higher UVB rays (burning potential) so extra caution must be exercised.